Seneng deh bergaul sama 'murid'2ku, anak2 TA yang lagi diattach di project yg sama.
Mereka lucu2 dan asik2 orangnya. Semuanya 4 orang, 5 sih sebenernya, tapi yang satu beda jadwal.
Di tengah kepanikan deadline yang melanda, mereka masih saja happy - happy joy joy. Tapi itu justru bagus, panik itu tak ada gunanya!
Berikut ini obrolan2, di tengah2 bekerja bersama mereka:
Student with clay problem
Me: What's the problem ?
Student (S) 1: I need to join these 2 parts. I used clay to join them, but I just broke them. Maybe because the clay's quality is not good.
Me: I see... So, what are you going to do ?
S1: I will buy a better quality clay.
.............. S1 went out to buy clay. Upon returning: .............
S1: This is the best quality clay I can find, the most expensive one! If this still fail, I will quit my fyp!
Me: Are you sure it is the most expensive clay ? There's one more expensive clay than this, you know!
S1: Really ?
Me: Yeah, that's clay aiken.
S1: *sigh*
This one, that one, the other one, ....
Me: ...... so, after you get a set of data, you then can save it in a file. You can give it any file name of your choice.
S1, S2: Ok *nodding*
Me: for this example, I will give it a name..... say, 'THIS1'. *typing a word 'THIS1' on the screen*
And if you get another set of data, you then save it under different file name.
Now, we will give the new data set another name. So, guys, what file name do you think of ?
S1, S2: 'THAT1' !!!
Me: Oh yeah, for the next ones, can be named 'THEOTHER1', 'ANOTHER1', etc, etc...
Student with prototype's picture
S3: My supervisor had been asking about the progress of my work. My sup wanted to know what I have been doing here, and wanted me to take picture of the work that I have done, the prototype.
Me: Yeah, I see. This is the problem when you have lab outside school, your Sup couldn't know what you have been doing. You have designed your prototype, right ? Take the picture and show it to your sup then!
S3: Yeah, I will!
Me: So, just take the picture, show your sup. You can also put it in your report later.
S3: Yeah, sure! I will take the picture of not only my prototype, but also me inside. So, I can show my sup of the work and what I have been doing here.
These are the captions that I will make for the pictures in my report:
'Figure 1: It's my prototype and the smiling me',
'Figure 2: It's the prototype and myself while securing a bolt on it',
'Figure 3: It's my prototype and stressed-out-me when unable to fix the prototype'.
Me: Great! Good Idea! *lol*
huaaaaaaaaaa.. gedubraks.. gabruks gubraks...
-uNi -
keren Daff... kamu dah pantes lulus S3... coba prof-nya aku... :D
dill, ajarin daku english donk...:(
-umminya nida lah-
hehee ada hiburan ya Te, ditengah2 sibuknya ngajar hehe
hari ini Zubia ulangtahun Te, mampir ya ke rumah Zubia..
asisten garing ketemu mahasiswa polos/innocent, sungguh perpaduan yang asik. :)
your kung fu is very good... mohon berguruuu...!
huwaaaa.. susahnya punya supervisor 'one-liner'.. kata ratih sih "cool banget, din", tapi kl ngimelin satu halaman dan dia cuman reply "OK." kan.. ngg... -_____-""
hm, TA apaan si? Taman Anggrek?
lulus s3 jurusan Nggaring Engineering...
-umminya nida lah-:
ajarin ingglish yang garing ya umm ?
zubia's mom:
hihihi, iya mbak, senang berada bersama mereka.
udah mampir, tapi ke rumah mayanya zubi... :D
yoih, mbak... seru gitu ! mo gabung juga, nggak mbak ? :D
mari sini, suhu ajarin kungfu jurus-an rungkut pasar turi!
iye, dien, kebanyakan supervisor2 tipenya 'one liner'. Udah capek2 nulis banyak, eh, balesannya cuman sebaris. Buete surete, deh. Ya udah, kalo gitu gak usah nulis banyak2 aje. hehehe biar tau rasa supervisornya. *lho* Yah, tapi ndak pa pa lah, namanya juga jadi murid, mesti baik2 bagemanapun supervisornya. Sing sabar yo, dien...
TA tuh, Tukang Angkot.
hehehe.. gak ding,
Tugas Akhir == FYP
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