Monday, September 20, 2004

Second round of Presidential Election

The second round of Indonesian Presidential election is being carried out today.
Hmm... actually, I am not quite sure who to choose among the candidates.
Well, but as a good citizen, I did vote anyway...

Well, what can I say about it...
We have seen all the bad and good sides of her govermence.
Shortly, the facts speak for themselves.

hmm... his main objective is to make 'changes'.
Dunno what kind of changes he is aiming, good or bad, not proven yet...
One thing that made me worried about him is that he is from military. Military doesn't sound good to me, coz it is associated with domination, power-utilizing, non-democratic, etc.
Yeah, hopefully it won't go that way.

Hopefully, whoever wins the presidential chairs will bring this nation to a better life.


Blogger Eddy Fahmi said...

dil, sby emang orang militer, tapi pendidikan sipil di juga tinggi loh, barusan lulus doktor di IPB. trus yg jadi andalan tu jusuf kalla, kalo yg ini emang orang pinter, bisnismen sukses. jadi aku kemaren nyoblos sby (pas hidungnya) :D

11:40 PM  
Blogger dils said...

iya, sih..
ya itu tadi, SBY looks promising, tapi kan baru sebatas 'promises' belom terbukti.
Ya, moga2 aja entar terbukti kalo mereka bagus.

4:34 AM  
Blogger dils said...

Itu poto KBRI Singapore.
Kemaren abis Pemilu iseng2 njepret KBRI dari depan, tapi gak keliatan orang2 yg lagi pemilu.
Di dalem gak boleh dipoto kali... soalnya dulu pernah liat orang dilarang moto di ruang pemilunya.
Nanti kalo kameraku di sita gimana dong... hahahaha

7:46 AM  

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