Sunday, August 08, 2004

Think out of the box - be objective!

"She's such a stupid! Why on earth she still insists on marrying him, although right under her nose she had found him betraying her! Just break up from him and find someone better!"

Often, we made such comment while watching a TV-drama. We seem to know the best solution for the actors. As the observer, we could see that something was wrong; while the actors didn't.

Most of the time, we didn't realize that we had acted like the actor(tress) in the drama - we didn't realize that something was wrong. Although people around us (analogue to the drama watchers) had tried to give suggestions and comments on it, we still insisted that we were right!
To our defence, "Thanks, I don't need your suggestions. I am sure you will do the same thing, if you were me!". Hey, if you want me to be you, why don't you try to be me instead? Just try to see your own problem from different perspective - outsider's perspective.

In solving a problem, Objectivity is the key. As much as possible, try to put away our subjectivity, because subjectivity tends toward our desire (arabic: nafs). Desire would not help solving anything.
How to get that Objectivity?
That's where "Think out of the box" playing a role - by thinking from outsider's perspective.

How could we do that?
Thinking out of the box requires somebody to bring him/herself out of the system.
Detachment from all the desires is the key in doing this. This is how to start being objective.
Normally, we will find it difficult to detach our desire, especially when we were dealing with heart matter - love, etc. But, always remember that our aim is to solve the problem, not being trapped in it.

Afterward, just like the movie watcher, we can start judging the actor (which is the previous ourself) from different perspective.
The things that we thought the actor should do, are actually the things that we should do in dealing with our problem.

Let's think out of the (TV) box !... ;))


Blogger noe2l said...

think solution!

but Dil, sometimes... those tv dramas plot are just being soooo stupid... that I want to throw them out of my (tv) box...

let's switch them off!


7:54 AM  
Blogger dils said...

Yeah,.. I agree with you...
but... it's just an analogous that sometimes we could just be as stupid as that...

4:00 PM  
Blogger aryamahzar said...

wow, this is interesting... perhaps i should try to think objective soon, or better yet, i'm going to do it right now! .... .... .... .... (wake me up when i'm done) =))

9:36 AM  

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